board是什么意思?on board特殊含义

Board 常用作名词,意为”板,木板“等,经常出现用于构成复合词,如 blackboard(黑板),noticeboard(布告板)或 chessboard 等,但是 on board 却不是”在板上“的意思,它有很多延申的意思。

On board 是一个介词短语,它的字面意思是”在板上“,延伸义为”在船上(或飞机上、火车上) “,此时相当于 aboard,例如:

1. on board:

Have the passengers gone on boardyet?乘客们登机了吗?

Is therea doctor on board? We have a sick passenger.船上有医生吗?我们有一个生病的乘客。

When everyone is on board, we willleave.等大家都上船了,我们就走。

2. aboard:

He wasalreadyaboard the plane.他已经登机了。

The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers aboard.飞机坠毁,机上157名乘客全部遇难。

board是什么意思?on board特殊含义

正是因为 on board 的这个意思, 它被用来比喻受雇于某人或与某人一起工作,因为大家都在一块”板上“;还可以延申意为“同意”,常用于搭配 on board with 中,例如:

1. on board:

Theentireclass was on boardforthe excursion to the park.全班同学都准备去公园游览。

It’s good to have you on boardforthis project.很高兴你能参与这个项目。

Welcome to the company, Tom. We’reallglad you’re on board now.欢迎来到公司,汤姆。我们都很高兴能和你共事。

2. on board with:

Is the bride on board with the new seating plan? 新娘同意安排吗?

Is everyone on boardwiththe new plan?大家都同意这个新计划吗?

它还常用于搭配 take sth on board 中,意为”采纳,接纳“,例如:

ItoldherwhatI thought, but she didn’t take myadviceon board.我把我的想法告诉了她,可她没有采纳我的建议。

I shall be hoping that the council will take that message on board.我希望安理会能够采纳这一信息。

I listened to them, took their comments on board and then made the decision.我听取了他们的意见,采纳了他们的意见,然后做出了决定。

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